MoU signed between Tribhuvan University (TU) and Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Institute of Engineering and Department of Disaster Management of TAU

MoU has been signed between Nepal’s largest university- Tribhuvan University (TU) and Israel’s largest university – Tel Aviv University (TAU) with the aim of further intensifying mutual cooperation in the field of education, research, teaching and learning methods. Prof. Dr. Shiva Lal Bhusal, Rector of Tribhuvan University and Prof. Dr. Milette Shamir, Vice President of TAU jointly signed on the

The COVID-19 related donations collected by the Embassy sent to Nepal

In the initiative of the Nepal Embassy, the collected donations from Israel (Government of Israel, Israeli friends, Nepali community and Nepali diplomats) sent to Nepal. Nepal Airlines’s aircraft (Airbus) landed officially Israel first time in the history of 60 years of the diplomatic relations between Nepal and Israel. Nepal Embassy would like to thank all the incredible donors.

त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय (TU) र Tel Aviv University (TAU) बीच एक वृहत् तथा ऐतिहासिक भर्चुअल अन्तर्क्रिया सम्पन्न

ईजरायलमा रोजगारीको अवसरलाई निक्कै सुरक्षित एवं आकर्षक मानिएको तथा ईजरायली प्रविधि संसारकै उत्कृष्ट मध्येको एक रहेको सन्दर्भमा दूतावासको ध्यान बढी मात्रामा यिनै २ क्षेत्रमा केन्द्रित हुँदै आएको भएपनि नेपाल – ईजरायल द्विपक्षीय सम्बन्धका समग्र आयामहरुमा नै दूतावासले काम गरिरहेको छ। दुई देश बीच शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यको क्षेत्रमा बढ्दो सहकार्य यसैका प्रमाण हुन्। शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य र रोजगारीका क्षेत्रमा ईजरायलले अवलम्बन गरेको

Press Release on a telephone conversation between the Prime Minister of Nepal and President of Cyprus

The Right Honorable Prime Minister of Nepal Mr K P Sharma Oli held a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic of Cyprus His Excellency Mr Nicos Anastasiades this afternoon. The Prime Minister and the President exchanged views on various matters of common interests including cooperation between the two countries and measures undertaken in the context of the outbreak

Notice Regarding Temporary Shutdown of Visa Services & Exemption of Visa Fee by Department o (Dated 8 April 2020)

Notice Regarding Temporary Shutdown of Visa Services & Exemption of Visa Fee (Dated 8 April 2020) Considering the spread of global pandemic of COVID-I9, Government of Nepal (GoN) has decided on 6th April 2020 to extend the lockdown period and suspension of all the front door services till 15th April 2020. All International Flights are also suspended till 30th April

सम्माननिय प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले आज (२०७६ चैत्र २५) देशबासीको नाममा गर्नुभएको सम्बोधन

आदरणीय दिदीबहिनी तथा दाजुभाईहरु, आज सिङ्गो मानवजाति कोभिड-१९ को महामारी विरुद्ध कठिन युद्ध लडिरहेको छ । तपाईंहरुलाई संवोधन गर्न उभिएको यस घडीसम्म कोरोना महामारीका कारण विश्वभरी ७४ हजारभन्दा बढीको ज्यान गइसकेको छ । ४७ हजारभन्दा बढी अत्यन्त नाजुक अवस्थामा रहेका बिमारी सहित १३ लाखभन्दा बढीमा सङ्क्रमण फैलिएको छ । म यस महामारीमा ज्यान गुमाउने सबैप्रति भावपूर्ण श्रद्धाञ्जली अर्पण गर्दछु ।

साईप्रसमा रहनुभएका नेपालीहरुमा दूतावासको आह्वान

कोरोना भाइरसबाट हालसम्म संसारका २०८ countries and territories का १२ लाख ८० हजार भन्दा बढी व्यक्तिहरु संक्रमित भइसकेको, ६९,७५७ जनाको मृत्यु भइसकेको, विश्व महाशक्ति अमेरिका, चीन लगायत बेलायत, फ्रान्स, जर्मनी, ईटाली जस्ता विकसित मुलुकहरु समेत संकटसँग जुधिरहेको यथार्थको हामी सबै साक्षी छौं। यसका कारण मानव जीवनका समग्र क्षेत्रहरुमा अनेकन् समस्याहरु सिर्जना भइरहेको स्थिति छ। यस परिस्थितिमा विश्वभर छरिएर रहेका नेपालीहरुको

ईजरायलमा रहनुभएका नेपालीहरुका लागि जानकारी

ईजरायलमा रहनुभएका नेपालीहरुका लागि जानकारी • ईजरायलमा Health Insurance विना स्वास्थ्य सेवा निकै महँगो हुने भएकाले Health Insurance अनिवार्यप्रायः छ। • विदेशीहरुले विमा गर्दा निजी विमा कम्पनी मार्फत् गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। National Health Insurance ले ईजरायली नागरिकका लागि मात्रै विमा गर्ने गर्दछ। • Harel, Menora, Ayalon जस्ता इजरायली निजी विमा कम्पनीहरुले Clalit, Leumit, Meuhedet जस्ता स्वास्थ्य कम्पनी मार्फत् सेवा दिइरहेका छन्।

New Emergency Regulations to Defeat the Spread of COVID-19 by Israeli Government: Effective from 25 March 2020 at 17:00 for a period of 7 days.

Below please find a copy of the Joint Press Release issued today by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Health of Israel. For your convenience, the following is an unofficial summary of some of the relevant main points: Summary: 1. Movement of People: People are not permitted to exit their residences, and should not go outside, unless absolutely